While still leading our group from Broadreach, we boarded a plane
in Quito and flew to Lago Agrio. The flight took us only a half
an hour over spectacular volcanoes to the Amazon Basin. Once there
we transferred all our gear to old school bus and drove for 2 1/2
hours to the tributaries of the Amazon River. We then had another
2 1/2 hour ride in a motorized canoe to finally arrive at our base
camp in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve.
is a tropical rainforest and covers a whopping area of 655,781
hectares! One hectare (2.47 acres) alone could have over 750
types of trees and 1500 species of higher plants. Ecuador has over
20% of the worlds birds species in an area about as big as Colorado.
There are over 520 species of birds in the tropical jungle and is
fast becoming one of the most popular destinations for avid birders.
There are also a great variety of mammals, reptiles, and fish present
like the mysterious river dolphins (which can bend their necks).
Cuyabeno also has a significant caiman reserve, which can be reached
from the Aguarico and Cuyabeno